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Tesla Autos LOTTERY


We are happy to inform you that you can win as much as $50,000 to $1,000,000 in a single Lottery Draw.

All Prime Investors and other higher packages are eligible to apply for a lottery draw once in a month. Beginner investors can’t win any lottery. To apply, simply Select the Lottery Type, Enter the Email where you would like to be notified if you eventually win and Type the amount you would like to win for the month. The Tesla Autos Lottery draw is done on 15th of Every Month and any investor who input the amount that corresponds the most with a particular amount set out by the company to be won that month, the investor stands the highest chance of winning the monthly lottery.

For Example, If you input $100,000 as intended amount to be won, and the monthly amount set out by the company to be won in that particular month is $100,000, you will be awarded the winner instantly. If no particular investor got the exact amount for the month, the investor with the amount closest by approximation to the amount set out by the company wins the monthly lottery. If no investor came close by approximation to the amount set out for the month, no lottery will be awarded for that month. Once you are a lucky winner, you will be notified by email and you can instantly log into your profile to view your winnings.